319 Main Street
Smithfield, VA 23430 - 18 May, 2024
- 09:00am - 04:00pm
- Category: Festivals/Parades - Arts & Culture - Concerts/Live Performances - Family/Children - Outdoors or Recreation
- Social: Facebook Facebook Twitter Instagram
Friday, 13 September | Smithfield, VA
Clear56 °
LOW 66°
The following indoor events will still take place, please come out to support them:
- Court Day’ at the 1750 Isle of Wight Courthouse, an enthralling re-enactment of the court case 'Widow Rand Seeks Justice.' Tickets are still available at 10am, 11am, 12pm, 2pm, and 3pm here: https://1750courthouse.com/
- Meet-n-Greet Author Event from 11-3 at Christ Episcopal Church including book signings, light lunch and church tours available featuring the magnificent stained glass windows.
- Shopping and dining at our fabulous local shops and restaurants
- Sunday concert at Christ Episcopal Church featuring Ricky Goodwyn Jr. at 4pm.
The Smithfield Arts Festival returns for its 3rd year in historic Smithfield, VA along 3 blocks of Main Street on May 18, 2024! The event celebrates visual, performing, culinary, and literary arts and is held from 9 am to 4 pm with free admission. Artists, fine crafters, authors, performances and food will make this a fun and exciting event for all ages.
Be sure to stop by our interactive "Collaborative Art" stations to participate in our community art banners. Art supplies will be provided, all ages are invited to participate. There will also be a childrens "Make your own flag" station in front of the Smithfield Times as part of Delta Sigma Theta's International initiative.
Plus, enjoy the sounds of Warren Jones on the saxaphone in the 300 block of Main Street near the juried art show and live acoustic music by Hannah Johnson at the food court. Take a stroll down Hayden's Lane to read "Come Next Season" by local author Kim Norman for the Arts Festival Storywalk.
A free shuttle will be offered for guests parking in the former Littles Grocery lot at 518 Main St. (across from Main St. Baptist) and the commuter lot at Route 10 and Main Street (next to Powerhouse Equipment). Parking and shuttle are both free. Shuttle offered 9 am to 4:30 p.m.
• Annual "Court Day" performance from The 1750 Isle of Wight Courthouse on Saturday, May 18. See an actual court case re-enactment in the courthouse during the Festival. The 2024 performance will be "Widow Rand Seeks Justice," directed by Julian Bouchard. Performances will be offered at 10am, 11am, 12 noon, 2pm and 3pm. Tickets are $10 and children under 6 are free. For more details vist www.1750courthouse.com.
• International Performances on the Main Street Stage by the Smithfield Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. (located by the Smithfield Times)
Enjoy an exciting line up of performers including:
• Somos Drummers
• Kam Kelly, Guinea African Drummer
• Anita Harrell, Chief of the Weyanoke Tribe
• Orimolade Ogunijimi, Yoruba Priest
• Freeman Mweo, Zambian vocalist and storyteller
• West African Fashions from Vicky's Fashions and fashion show 1 - 2 p.m.
Bring a chair and savor the entertainment! Limited seating will also be provided.
• Meet-n-Greet Author Event will take place at Christ Episcopal Church at 111 S. Church Street during the festival on Saturday, May 18. Come out and hang with local, published authors, snag some books, get them signed, and dive into lively book discussions happening throughout the day. Plus, view the beautiful restored art of stained glass at the church.
Book talks will be held at 10 a.m., 11 a.m., 1 p.m., and 2 p.m.
Featuring: Alice K. Quinn, Allie Marie, Charles Qualls, Ellen Butler, Mary Batten, Nan O'Berry, Nancy Naigle, Sheryl Jordan, T.B. Bond, and Teresa Inge.
• Harvest Faire will present information and demonstrations on Medieval and Renaissance times with re-enactors during the Arts Festival on May 18.
• Smithfield Little Theatre - SOLD OUT - will present The Sound of Music live through May 19. Friday and Saturday shows at 8pm, Sunday shows at 2:30 p.m. Directed by Dillon Bates. For ticket information and show details visit www.smithfieldlittletheatre.org
• Sundays at Four Concert at Christ Episcopal Church on Sunday, May 19 at 4 p.m. Ricky Goodwyn, Jr. will sing and there is no ticket charge, however a free-will offering will be taken to assist with Ricky's expenses towards his Masters program education.
PARTICIPANTS (as of 5/6)
4U - Handcrafted Jewelry Designs, LLC
Wine-Marked Maker
Zoa Mae Designs
The Cutting Edge
Creations by Alecia
Ocean Otis Jewelry, LLC
JC Designs
Route 58 Tacos
Darlene's Glass Cafe
Gretchen Boals, Just G Visual Arts
Diane Milner, Circles in Stone
Just Gorgeous Custom Wreaths
Fair Winds Fair Trade Mobile Boutique
Morning View Creations
Jane Keckler Art
Designs by Ana Maria
Ahavahh Art
Angel Quilters
Pollie Clay Co.
Aurora's Bakery
William East, Mr. Bill's Art Work
Bruce Copeland Landscape & Wildlife Photography
Floating Peach Gifts
Claudia Moore Homemade Dog Treats & Accessories
Wrap'd Up Food Truck
Tammy Burgett Art
Boho Blyss
Pristine Queens Crochet Creations
Sandpiper Designs by Michele
Katesy Things
Kimberly Holland Children's Author/Illustrator
Davis DeSigns Wood Creations
We Are Nuts
John Whistler, Whistler Works Studio
TJ Heiser, The Ships Hold
2 Owls Designs
Smoothie Stand
Whimsical Treasures
Smithfield VFW Post 8545
Vicky's Fashions
Mary Made Handmade Jewelry
Rusted Rabbitt
Karen's Glass
Big Daddy BBQ
Stitch Teach Repeat
The Attuned Cauldron
Joan Frischmann Art
Darin's Turning Point
State Fair Popcorn
Skeeter & Co.
Karen's Glass
Harvest Faire
Love, Beeka
Designs by Ana Maria
Grow Holistic
Whimsical Treasures
Ginger Creations
Theia Designs
Jacob Harkins
Fluffy Honey Farm
• Art Festival Vendors are encouraged to apply (only through us) to avoid scammers, as a Fine Craft Vendor, Food Vendor, or for the Juried Art Show. You may also call us at 757.357.5182 for additional information.
• Applications for all divisions are available under the photos, videos, applications and menus tab above.
• Submission requirements for juried art show include completed application, 4 photo images representative of work to be exhibited, and a full photo of tent set-up.
• Jury Fee A $35 non-refundable check or money order payable to Isle of Wight Arts League must accompany your application.
• Jury Selection Artists will be notified regarding acceptance into the juried art show. Space Fees: Once accepted, you agree to submit the $125 space fee by check or money order payable to Isle of Wight Arts League and dropped off or mailed to: Arts Center @319, Attn: Sheila, 319 Main Street, Smithfield, VA 23430. If accepted, you are eligible for cash prizes.
• Artist Agreement Participating Artists agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the Smithfield Arts Festival.
• Fees are non-refundable, unless we cancel due to unsafe weather.
• Original Artwork Regulations
1. All art must be original, handcrafted work.
2. No commercial, mass-produced or manufactured work will be accepted.
3. The artist, upon submission of images, guarantees the accuracy of the description of artwork presented and the authenticity of the artwork as original and created by his/her own hands.
4. Reproductions: A reproduction is defined as any existing work of art that is copied by digital or photographic means and printed on an offset press, a serigraph press or through a computer by means of a giclée process, and reproductions with additional enhancements by the artist.
5. 2-dimensional reproductions are allowed under the following provisions: Prints are labeled as such and prints are signed and offered in a limited quantity. Prints may make up 20% or less of the artwork exhibited in each booth (Photography, Printmaking and Digital Arts categories are exempt).
• Space and Other Information
1. Participating Artist must provide their own white 10x10 tent, adequately weighted and secured
2. Electricity is not available
3. Early breakdowns are not permitted. Breakdown begins at 4:00 p.m. and must be complete by 6:00 p.m.
4. Off-site parking is required for artists and shuttles will be provided
5. All state and local taxes are the responsibility of the artist. www.tax.virginia.gov, 804.440.2541
• Awards
Best in Show and other awards to be determined.
Awards will be selected by a qualified jury. The Best in Show winner will have the 2025 application jury fee waived. All awardees will have guaranteed acceptance into the 2025 Smithfield Arts Festival in the media category in which they were awarded.
• Photography/Digital
Photography: photographic prints made from the artist’s original image, which have been processed by that artist, or under his or her direct supervision. Photographers are required to disclose both their creative and printing processes.
Digital Art: includes any original work for which the original image, or the manipulation of other source material, was executed by the artist using a computer. Entries in this category must be in limited editions, signed, and numbered on archival quality materials. Traditional photographs taken through a digital media apply in the photography category.
• Painting/2-D
Drawing: works created using dry media; chalk, charcoal, pastels, pencil, wax crayon, etc. or from the fluid medium of inks and washes applied by pen or brush.
Painting: works in oils, acrylics, watercolor, mixed media or similar fine art mediums.
Printmaking: works in which the artist’s hand manipulated the plates, stones or screens and which have been properly signed and numbered as a limited edition may be entered. All photogravure, photocopy and/or offset reproductions will be rejected. Printmakers are required to disclose both their creative and printmaking processes.
• 3-D
Ceramics: all original clay and porcelain work other than jewelry is accepted in this category. Machine-made or mass-produced work is not permitted. If multiple pieces of the same design are displayed each piece must be signed.
Fiber: works crafted from fibers including basketry, embroidery, weaving, leatherwork, tapestry and papermaking. This can be wearable or non-wearable. No machine tooling, machine-screened patterns or other forms of mass production are permitted. No factory produced wearable items, regardless of additional modification or enhancement by the artist, may be exhibited.
Glass: functional or decorative pieces which are kiln formed, or crafted by glass blowing, molding, or casting. Works may be etched or engraved. No forms of mass production or alterations of pre-fabricated objects, i.e. pressed wine bottles, are permitted. This category excludes jewelry made from glass.
Jewelry: work produced from metal, glass, clay, fiber, paper, plastic or other materials are included. No commercial casts, molds or production studio work is allowed.
Sculpture: three-dimensional original work done in any medium, regardless of size.
For more details contact Connie Chapman, Smithfield & Isle of Wight CVB, cchapman@isleofwightus.net or for specific info. on the Juried Art Show contact Sheila Gwaltney, Arts Center @319, info@smithfieldarts.org, Office 757.357.7707.