Murder Mystery Dinner at the Smithfield Inn

Murder Mystery Dinner at the Smithfield Inn

112 Main Street
Smithfield, VA 23430

Saturday, June 17, 2023
06:00pm - 08:30pm

"All Y'ALL Players" will offer live performances of "A Meal to Die For" at The Smithfield Inn. There is limited seating for the event which features a three course meal.

Friday, June 16@ 7 pm (Social hour first)

Saturday, June 17@ 6 pm (Social hour first)

Sunday, June 18@ 1 pm (Social hour first) A matinee on Father's Day!

All shows include a delicious 3-course meal, an interactive murder mystery show, and a donation to a local charity. The charity for this show is: Smithfield High School Special Education Student Support Fund (Jill Gwaltney)


A small group of villagers usually come together to organize community events, but this afternoon a meal has been arranged in the local Inn to bid goodbye to Hilary, who will soon be moving away. The meal is over and has been cleared. As they sip their wine and chat quietly, they appear to be a friendly and close-knit group, but all is not as it seems. Someone has amurderous plan to dispose of the one person present who threatens to put an end to a rather pleasant lifestyle.

Figure out whodunnit and win a prize! Tickets on sale soon!


Murder Mystery Dinner at the Smithfield Inn

The Smithfield Inn
June 18, 2023
01:00pm - 03:30pm
