319 Main Street
Smithfield, VA 23430 - 12 August, 2023
- 01:00pm - 03:00pm
- (757) 357 - 5182
- Category: Guided Tours - Lecture/Educational Program/Workshop - Family/Children
Monday, 17 February | Smithfield, VA
Clouds24 °
LOW 19°
This two-hour driving tour traces Smithfield’s proud history of the ham industry. Van seats up to 6 comfortably.
Minimum 4 paid guests or $40.
$10 pp, children under 12 free, Cash/check only.
Available Monday - Friday; Reservations required with at least a 48-hour notice.
Available Saturday - Sunday; Reservations required with at least a 7 day notice.
Includes a complimentary ham roll at Darden's Country Store and admission to the Isle of Wight County Museum.
Contact Kathy Mountjoy, Tour Coordinator, 757-408-1935 or kmountjoy@isleofwightus.net
Visitor Center: 319 Main Street, 757-357-5182 orsmfdtour@isleofwightus.net
$10 per person, children under 12 are free. Cash and check only.
Life of HAM Van Tour
Smithfield & Isle of Wight Tourism Visitor Center
August 12, 2023
03:00pm - 05:00pm
Life of HAM Van Tour
Smithfield & Isle of Wight Tourism Visitor Center
September 09, 2023
01:00pm - 03:00pm
Life of HAM Van Tour
Smithfield & Isle of Wight Tourism Visitor Center
September 09, 2023
03:00pm - 05:00pm
Life of HAM Van Tour
Smithfield & Isle of Wight Tourism Visitor Center
October 14, 2023
01:00pm - 03:00pm
Life of HAM Van Tour
Smithfield & Isle of Wight Tourism Visitor Center
October 14, 2023
03:00pm - 05:00pm